Monday, December 8, 2014

DIY Chalkboard Wine Glass Gift

Every year my family goes all out for Craftmas. Yes you read that correctly we craft hard! One of the easier gifts I wanted to make were cute chalkboard wine glasses. I wanted to make them like the nail kit mason jars but in a wine glass. They were super easy to make and everyone loves chalkboard paint right?

Wine glasses
Chalkboard paint
Painters tape 
Sponge brush

Start by taping the glasses where the stem meets the bottom. Paint a layer of chalkboard paint and let dry completely. I did two coats to make sure there weren't any streaks. Wait till the paint is completely dry before removing the tape. Fill with whatever treats you want and write your gift recipients name in chalk!

1 comment:

  1. This is actually quite cute. This is a great way to use those wine glass that you aren’t using anymore. It’s not actually what I had in mind for my wine glass, but it’s worth a try. Anyway, thanks for sharing this with us, Jackie. All the best!

    Lynne Hollaran @ Suburban Glass Service, Inc.
