Saturday, August 16, 2014

Teacher Cake DIY

My sister just got her first post college job as an English/Writing teacher and I wanted to help her get her class room looking cute. Obviously she already put a ton of work into decor and supplies so I made her a teacher cake to pass along some more supplies. 
Most of the supplies came from Office Max and Office Depot some for as little as a penny! I finished by wrapping in rubber bands and decorating with ribbon from Michaels.

Glue sticks
Rubber bands
And a heavy duty bag for the middle

I started by taking the bag I had and filling it with paper, erasers, and glue sticks to make it heavy and hold the shape of the bag. Then I took all the folders and filled them around the bag to cover it and secured with rubber bands. This was the hardest part to make sure the folders stayed in the right spot and stayed wrapped around the bag. Once you get the first layer done everything else is easy. I added pens, rulers, and glue to this layer by tucking behind the rubber bands. 

For the second layer I got the huge pack of pencils and secured with more rubber bands. Once it stayed I added some erasers and scissors to that layer by ticking behind the rubber bands and adding more rubber bands to secure as needed. 
Once both layers were done I got my ribbon and glued it to the rubber bands to make it look cute. I put on both layers than added some rhinestones. I chose red white and blue because they were her school colors.

Sister with her teacher cake!

Not sure if they are still doing the promotion but if Michaels likes your teacher projects they might feature on their website like they did with mine!